(使用说明:例如 想查询作者是李四的论文,先选择查询条件类型,在搜索框里输入李四,然后点击按钮查询即可查看论文结果)
汇编编号: {{item.AbstractModelNo}}
单      位: {{item.DepartmentsCN}}
{{item.typename}} {{item.typenameEN}}

For Oral Presentation Guidelines

1. You will be given the opportunity of Oral Presentation  (About 8-10 minutes, please subject to the schedule published) and are asked to prepare a PowerPoint for this presentation. Speakers are kindly requested to use MS PowerPoint in English for their presentations.

For E-Poster Submission Guidelines

It is mandatory to build the PPT using the E-Poster template and you may download it from the website. 

 Click here to download the E-Poster Template

Please limit your PPT slide to one page only and make sure that the size of the document is within 20M.

Submission Procedure

a) Submission site for E-Poster is opened and Only abstracts that are accepted as E-Poster Presentation are required to submit the PPTs.

The submission deadline: April 18,2024 (Beijing Time). 

b) Please log into the system with registered Email and password (Abstracts’ contributor account only

c) Click the website of "Registration" fill in your personal information,then log in to "Personal Center" with the contributor's account and click " abstract list" to upload your E-poster.